Welcome to the home of international motoring culture.
Welcome to Barnato, a compendium of the better things in the world of going, of moving, of embarking on adventures. But what does that even mean? It means to seek out new experiences by way of car, boat, plane, or anything else that’s faster than a horse and not a quadruped.
For our part, that's what drew us to motoring culture in the first place. We wanted to see what was over the horizon and be among it. Motoring culture—for us—is enjoying the freedom to see the world and meeting the people who inhabit it, getting to know and appreciate both.
And of course, to do it all with a bit of style.
What’s style? It’s whatever you make it. It’s an indelible stamp left by those who did things the way only they could. From Camille du Gast to Ed Roth, from Ben Lexcen to Taki Inoue, from Pancho Barnes to Alan Shepard and maybe even you. Whoever it might be, the common thread is that they did what they did with panache in line with purpose.
And who's to say we can't do the same? Or that you can't do it, too? We may not get the chance to shank a golf ball into a moon crater, but we can go on new adventures and explore new corners of the world on our own terms and with our own style. That's the essence of motoring culture and Barnato is about the pursuit of it. And even if we never quite reach the nirvana we're after, the pursuit itself spurs us on to higher and better things.
There's a whole world out there, and we should all be part of it in our own way.